XC-K 124-2160

Large water content condensing boiler, with outer pressure vessel in high resistance carbon steel. Pressurized, of flame reversion type

Output range: from 124 (116 kW input) to 2160 kW

  • Tube bundle made of special patented progressive pipes in stainless steel AISI 316 L, with special multi-fin inserts in Al/Si/Mg AISI 316 L
  • Suitable for pressure jet gas burners in two stages, progressive two stage or modulating burners. Complete of rear smoke chamber in stainless steel AISI 304, with drain connection of the condensate.
  • Combustion chamber in stainless steel AISI 316 L, completely water cooled, placed above the tube bundles, such that the assembly forms a structure suitable to favour the heat exchange
  • Inner water way driven and braked
  • Special “progressive” patented smoke pipes
    - The smoke pipes are composed by an external pipe of 57 mm diameter, containing a multi-fin insert in Al/Si/Mg that assures a very high thermal exchange, withstanding the condensates.
    - Tube bundle slightly tilted toward the smoke chamber for: natural outflow of the condensates, absence of wet acidic deposits, cleaning for gravity of the exchange surfaces
  • Carbon steel door with recyclable insulation in special extra light refractory concrete, (30 % reduction of radiation heat losses)
  • Panel board of electronic type with E8 controller, that allows the management of modulating burners
  • Prearrangement for cascade of more boilers with an additional Ufly P controller (optional)
  • Double boiler body insulation
  • The insulation is in anti-tearing rock wool (thickness 100 mm)
  • Construction according to EN 303-1


- Acid condensate neutralizers

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