XC-K oil 69-1550

Large water content, pressurized, condensing boiler, with outer shell in high resistance carbon steel, with reversed flame combustion chamber

Output range: from 69 kW (67 kW input) to 1550 kW (1520 kW input)

  • Tube bundle made of special patented smoke pipes in stainless steel AISI 316 L, rolled on other inner stainless steel AISI 304 sectorial pipes (6x60°) complete with turbulators, also in AISI 304.
  • Suitable for pressure jet oil, biodiesel or dual fuel burners, in two stage or two stage progressive modulating type.
  • Rear smoke chamber in stainless steel AISI 304 with connection for condensate drain.
  • Combustion chamber, front and rear tube plate in stainless steel AISI 316 L. The combustion chamber is positioned above the tube bundle and the water around it is so guided to optimize for thermal exchange
  • The tube bundle is slightly slant toward the smoke chamber for:
    - functional outflow of the condensates
    - absence of wet acidic deposits
    - cleaning for gravity of the exchange surfaces
  • Good silent operation due to the low smoke side resistance
  • Front door in carbon steel insulated with special superlight recyclable cement (30% reduction of the heat losses due to radiation)
  • C.H. flow connection and two C.H. return connections, for high and low temperature circuits, are placed on the rear side for the model 100, and on upper side for models 250 to1550)
  • High temperature return connection positioned so that not interfere with the low temperature return connection.
  • The low temperature return connection is placed on the outer shell of the tube bundle for the maximum recovery of the heat.
  • The combustion chamber door is adjustable and with reversible opening.
  • Panel board is of electronic type with Ufly P controller that allows to manage the modulating burners and for all the models and base for fall with Mastermodul
  • Boiler body insulation: anti-tear mineral wool insulation mattress, 100 mm thick, for the front and rear part of the outer shell
  • Cleaning and maintenance facilitated by the auto-drain of the condensates from the smoke pipes thanks to the light slanting toward the smoke chamber.

- Acidic condensates neutralizers, specific for oil combustion

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